16-05-2020, 02:35 PM
Tham gia ngày: May 2020
Bài gửi: 38
What is vacuum conveying
What is Vacuum Conveying?
What is vacuum conveying
How does Vacuum Conveying Work?
What is vacuum conveying
Vacuum Conveying is the process of moving bulk dry materials, such as powders, from place to place within a factory using suction. The material is transferred in a network of tubing from the pick up point or source to the customers process. Most Vacuum Conveying System transfer product based on a timed interval to the vacuum receiver. At the end of the timed sequence the discharge valve can open and the material conveyed can discharge in to the process.
There are two types of vacuum conveying. Dilute phase conveying and Dense phase conveying.
What is vacuum conveying - Dilute Phase Conveying the material is entrained in the air stream and the is an almost equal part of air and product. This method is excellent for conveying almost any type of powder like sugar or flour.
- Dense Phase Vacuum Conveying the material is transferred in slugs within the convey tubing. The material moves slower then dliute phase conveying and is excellent choice for friable product or a blend of powders.