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Vacuum lifting solutions
Cũ 20-05-2020, 11:47 AM
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Tham gia ngày: May 2020
Bài gửi: 38
Mặc định Vacuum lifting solutions

Hệ thống quảng cáo


Vaculex develops and manufactures lifting solutions for industries with high demands on ergonomics, safety and efficiency. We provide the most innovative and safe lifting equipment on the market.

Repeated lifts cause dangerous and costly injuries. Our tube lifters minimize and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries to the user as well as damage to the goods.

Users of Vaculex products have highlighted reduced injuries, improved working environment and increased efficiency.

Flexible Solutions can be Installed Anywhere

The flexibility of the Vaculex products means that we can overcome many of the physical constraints that might occur on your premises. Whether retrofitting into an existing terminal or planning for a new building we can offer solutions that will adapt to existing or required infrastructure.

Vacuum lifting solutions
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